Making New Friends Is Hard To Do

We all know that making friends, at any age, is hard. Making friends as an adult is especially hard.

When we decided to make this big move, I knew I would have to make new friends. Knowing that I’d really have to put myself out there, knowing that rejection will come with the territory, was terrifying.

Kids make friends based on proximity and if they like the same colour. Kids haven’t formed societal or political views which usually come into play when making friends as an adult.

You might meet someone and think “hey, I really like this person”. Then you find out that their political views or moral values are in direct conflict with yours. Bummer. When you put yourself out there, this is the risk.

As you grow up, you realize it’s the quality of your friends that means the most. So many people have literally hundreds of “friends” on social media. Are they really your friend, or do just crave the attention? If you value crappy people, over good friends, what does that say about you? I personally don’t want a ton of strangers knowing my whole life just because having 2000 followers “looks good”.

I truly value my friends. My great, actual friends. People that value and support me, mean everything to me. THAT is friendship and that is what I look for.

I made new friends!!

Sometimes you can make friends in the most unlikely place. Every person you are in contact with has the friendship potential.

While flying back from Toronto, I encountered a MAJOR problem at the airport. I’m still not entirely sure what the issue was, but I was in line for 5 hours and still missed my flight, through no fault of my own. While waiting in the line, I got to chatting with the couple behind me. They were also on their way back to the Cayman Islands. We were all annoyed by the whole ordeal but we shared many a laugh, learned a bit about each other and bonded.

As my new friends had to go catch a different flight, I had to stay to wait out this annoying issue. This included having my flight rescheduled and another night at the airport hotel. We shared contact info, and checked in with each other later that night. Through the joys of travel, and weird flight schedules, we ended up meeting up the next day in Atlanta to get our flights home.

We ended up getting together for dinner and drinks after we got home. It was a joy to discover that we share similar views on life and sense of humour.

Now, they have introduced us to even more people! More people that we seem to have clicked with. Life on the island is getting so much better thanks to them and a weird twist of fate.