Travel Agent Myths

Let’s break down some of the most popular travel agent myths.

It is no secret that the travel industry has changed a lot in the last 20 years or more, and even more so in the last few years after the COVID pandemic. Navigating the travel world can be a challenge, and travel agents are here to make your vacation as stress free as possible.

Let’s break down some of the most popular myth’s about travel agents, especially those that specialize in magic travel such as Walt Disney World vacations!

Myth #1 – TA’s are more expensive

Actually, a good travel agent can save you money in the long run. Travel agents will often, and should, monitor for discounts. If you book on your own, or even direct with the Walt Disney World company, this would be left up to you. Most people don’t know that you can apply new discount offers after booking, your TA knows this and can save you money.

Another tip is to look for an agent that doesn’t charge a fee. Most TA’s are free when you book a package.

Myth #2 – You can book the same online

While I agree that you can look online to get a good idea of a vacation cost, a good travel agent will know what offers currently apply and will work to get you the best deal. Sometimes the savings come well after booking, when we deals are released. Unless you are willing to put in the work to monitor for those deals, your trusted travel agent can handle this for you.

Your travel agent will also know all the important dates, such as deposit and final payment date, as well as any other dates that you need to know.

Myth #3 – TA’s are obsolete

Nothing could be further from the truth. The role of a travel agent might look a little different now than in the past, but they are just as important now. The world is ever changing and a well educated travel agent keeps up with those changes and ensures you are well informed. Your TA will know if you need an entry visa, passport rules and more.

In the wake of the COVID pandemic, travel agents have proven their worth over and over again, fighting for the rights of their clients. With travel rules and regulations changing, feels like almost daily, having a trusted travel agent on your side is worth it!

Travel agents are often very experienced in what they are booking. In the case of myself, I have been to the Walt Disney World resort over 25 times. That alone gives me the ability to provide excellent tips and tricks to make your vacation magical! That’s just my personal experience and doesn’t take into account the yearly training I go through!

Myth #4 – TA’s only book hotels

Travel agents specialize in so many different types of travel. Not all travel agents are created equal, nor should they be. A good travel agent might direct you to another agent who is better suited to help you with your vacation. This is a good thing!

There aren’t many types of travel that a travel agent won’t book anymore. Not all agents will book everything. When looking for a travel agent, finding one that specializes in the travel you are looking for is best.

Myth #5 – TA’s take over your vacation

In all honesty, some might, but a good travel agent shouldn’t! Personally, I get just as excited for my clients trips as they do! I want them to see and do what *they* want. Their trip is not my trip. I’m here to make sure their trip is as magical as ever and that means listening to what they want!

Agents should be asking what you like or dislike, what experience you hope to have and more. If they aren’t asking, you might not have the right agent.

Choosing your agent

Choosing a good travel agent may seem like a daunting task. There are a couple of questions you can ask to make sure you, and your prospective agent, are a good fit. Remember, you are picking someone to entrust your vacation to, you want to pick the one that is perfect for your vacation.

  1. Do you charge a fee? Most travel agents will not charge a fee.
  2. How is your data collect? Believe it or not, this is important! You want to be sure that the agent collecting your personal information is taking care to keep it secure. This protects both of you in the long run.
  3. What do you specialize in? Make sure they are experienced in the type of travel you are looking at.
  4. What services do you provide? This can be anything from making dining reservations, to providing detailed itineraries. It is important to know what you will be getting!
  5. What is the best form of communication? Some people like chatting through text, WhatsApp or email, other’s prefer phone calls. A trusted TA will also often ask for confirmation or things in writing. Texting and WhatsApp don’t really count as “official” approvals.

Remember that this is a two-way street. While a good travel agent can make your trip amazing, it’s also important to do your part. Make sure to read all communication, provide important information when asked and remember that even thought the TA is there to help you, it is still your trip!

Magical travels are ahead!

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